Golden Eagle Golf Resort, Quinta do Brincal,
E.N. 1, Km 63/64, Asseiceira, 2040-481 Rio Maior

Located near Rio Maior, about 60 kilometers north of Lisbon,
Golden Eagle Golf resort, was opened in 1994 but restricted to
members and their guests. Since August 1997 it has been open to
The project has plans for two hotels, a congress centre and real
estate/properties. They don't seem to be selling property on the
Silver Coast very effectively as their web site doesn't work at
all unless you run the insecure flash technology.
Rio Maior being around twenty miles inland doesn't represent
a great "coastal" investment anyway, but property away
from the coast is a lot less expensive and there are many
Rio Maior estate agents selling property near the
Golden Eagle Golf resort.
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