Rainha Golf near Foz do Arelho
Date: 9 Feb 2010 17:49:47 -0000
From: Joe
Hello David,
I am finding your blog (Rainha Golf and Spa) quite interesting
regarding the proposed golf course near Foz.
Mr. Baltazar and I have been in negotiation for some property
I own where the proposed golf course will be located.
Recently I have been trying to find a source who might be able
to tell me what the property values in Foz were in 2003 and
2006. This seems quite unusual, but I have a reason. Would you
have any idea who I may be able to contact? Someone mentioned
the "council" in Foz, but I cannot find any links to a council
in Foz do Arelho.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hello Joe
you wrote:
>I have been trying to find a source who might be able to tell
>me what the property values in Foz were in 2003 and 2006
I'm not clear whether you want a general idea of the property
asking prices back then, general statistics on property prices,
or whether you are looking for actual public record data of the
prices specific properties officially sold for?
The national statistics office data site is at:
www.ine.pt and it has an English version.
If it loads in Portuguese google will translate it if you - click here
For general statistics the more commercial Global property guide
page is in English at:-
is easier to understand and will give you price comparisons of
Portugal compared to other European countries. And you can get a
price history for Portugal on their site at:-
For general Portugal prices the above page may work for you, but
it's hard to extract data specific to the Silver Coast which is
undergoing a more localised property boom. And I'm guessing you
want data on property sales in the specific area of the proposed
Rainha Golf development?
Your lawyer, solicitor, or realtor may be able to find the price
that any specific property sold for in the "Conservatória do
Registo Predial e Comercial das Caldas da Rainha" which is the
local land registry. (although some people list a lower selling
price than the amount they actually received in order to pay
less tax on their profit).
A good local estate agent (realtor) would be able to give you a
general idea of property prices now and in the past.
Alternatively, you could look at one of the internet archive web
sites and see for yourself what a particular estate agent's web
site looked like on a particular date and thus see what asking
prices were at that time.
>Would you have any idea who I may be able to contact?
You are best advised to have a lawyer or solicitor do this work
for you, but if you are competent in the Portuguese language you
may be able to do all this yourself. The Ministry of Justice web
site has a section on "Registo Predial" at:-
and that explains how you can apply for a copy of a property
registration document in the sections numbered 4,5 and 6
starting with "Como devo pedir o registo?"
Google translation is here:-
google.com/translate registo-predial
You can download the latest PDF document containing the
addresses of all the land registries in Portugal, with phone
numbers and email addresses here:-
But I've done that for you and the contact details of the land
registry for Caldas is:-
Conservatória do Registo Predial e Comercial de Caldas da Rainha
Rua da Praça de Touros, 34-AR/C
2500 - 167 Caldas da Rainha
Tel: 262 870 710
Fax: 262 870 719
E-mail: crpcom.caldas-rainha@dgrn.mj.pt
>Someone mentioned the "council" in Foz, but I cannot find any
>links to a council in Foz do Arelho.
The Junta de Freguesia da Foz do Arelho is the parish council
for Foz do Arelho which is an area under the jurisdiction of the
"Câmara Municipal de Caldas da Rainha".
You can see their contact details on the web via the Caldas
council web site at:
or go direct to the Junta de Freguesia web site at:-
Hope that helps,
Silver Coast Property at:-
The above message posted by: David
February 10, 2010 4:27 AM
Wow! The information you gave me is impressive.
I don't read Portuguese, but I will go to the sites you have
given me. Maybe if I use an on-line interpreter program, I can
get the information I am looking for.
Thank you very much for this great source of information.
The above message posted by: Joe | February 10, 2010 1:30 PM
Hello Joe,
I've added some Google translation links for you in my previous
reply above, but it's best not to translate pages with "contact"
information like the two council links, as translated names,
addresses and email addresses may not work.
Any other sites you want translated just put the URL (web
address of the page) in the Google translate box at the
Google Portuguese / English translator
The above message posted by: David | February 10, 2010 4:17 PM
Portugal has definitely focused a large part of its tourist
attraction on sporting holidays and has become a destination of
choice amongst golf enthusiasts over the decades, especially in
the Algarve. Foz do Arelho is also very popular.
The above message posted by: FourEd | March 24, 2010 10:16 AM