Long term rental Obidos lagoon
From: Lola Erramouspe
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 2018 07:44:02 +0200
Good morning David!! I've been reading your blog
and I decided to ask you for some advice. We are a
couple looking for a house to rent close to the
Obidos Lagoon, to rent for a year. I want rentals
but only seem to find houses for sale (a lot of
I would appreciate any advice you can give
to me.
Thanks very much for your time!!!
Hi Lola,
The area around the lagoon commands high rental rates for tourism, which is also why there is a lot of property being built for sale (especially now on the side with four new golf courses).
If you are looking to rent for only one year, then the owner will want you to pay at least as much as the property will earn during one full tourist season.
If you go ten kilometres inland, or less to the city of Caldas da Rainha, then the property rental market will be more residential in nature. There owners will be looking for real long term tenants, which is usually much more than a year.
Residential rents will be much less expensive, usually unfurnished, and usually in areas not associated with tourism.
So, to sum up, if you want to rent, you either look for tourist rental and pay a lot, or go to estate agents and look for residential rental. But if you tell them you only want one year, most landlords will not be interested.
Hope that sheds some light on the issue for you.
The above message posted by: David
September 21, 2018 12:11 PM